This club is run and organized by our lead junior anglers (ages 5 to 17). They decide what type of fishing trip they want to plan and the adults help organize the outing.
Membership dues are only $12 per junior angler per year.
The more junior anglers we have join the club, the more junior anglers fishing charters we can schedule. We would like to have at least one junior fishing charter each month during the summer break from school.
Any person who is 16 years of age or older must possess a valid sport fishing license when taking any fish, shell fish, reptile, or amphibian in California (Fish and Game Code Section 7145). Fish and Game Code Section 86 defines take as: hunt, pursue, catch, capture, or kill, or attempt to hunt, pursue, catch, capture or kill.
To purchase your CA fishing license online, please visit the CA Dept. of FIsh and Wildlife website at
You must also purchase the Saltwater Enhancement Stamp when purchasing your fishing license if you plan on fishing on our fishing charters.
Please email us at
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